Monday, September 29, 2008

There is a joke in here somewhere!

So by 10:00 this morning I was ready to call it a day! Just go back to bed, Things are not looking so great! Gizmo had a MESS in his crate this morning, one that sent me to the bathroom myself... Yuck!!!! I feel really bad for him, he apparently had cried @ 5 am, but Mike thought he was just being a pain so he put him in the laundry room and went back to bed.. Not so much! The joys of owning a dog! That's not all... When I dropped off Avery, Jake and I went to the Hamilton Co. Republican office to pick up MY MAN MITCH signs to deliever thru out the county. All of a sudden I hear a strange noise only to turn around and see that Jake is throwing up right in the middle of the office..Yuck! He never throws up, and is feeling fine now! Too strange. I am sure this will make all of friends who are not in the Republican party laugh out loud.

Oh well, off to give baths, to both Gizmo and Jake! Pray my day gets better!


Julie said...

hahaha poor Jakey and Gizmo!! BTW.... Matthew and I have our "McCain/Palin" Yard sign and bumper stickers now :) haha... let's hope we make it to Nov 5th without getting our house or cars vandalized!! LOVE YOU!!!!!

Tina Miles said...

So sorry to hear that! But it is kind of funny. Did he ever get sick again? (I'm hearing of throwing up going around our church--hoping we're not next!)